We welcome your inquiries, calls or emails any time! You may also find answers to your questions below. Let us know if you think we should add a question to this list to be more helpful!
What are your hours?
The sitters and caregivers are available 24 hours a day, ready to meet your individual needs. And the best part is that they come to you!
What area do you service?
Sit'n In The Keys services Key West to Marathon for babysitting and caregiving, and all the way up to Key Largo for weddings and corporate events. They are ever expanding!
Are you licensed?
Sit'n in the Keys is fully licensed by state, city and county.
"I loved how knowledgeable and helpful Michelle was when I called to book a sitting. What a relief to deal with someone who cares so much!"
-- John C (October 2022)
Are your staff bilingual?
A very small percentage of the staff is bilingual. Most speak English only, but we are always on the lookout for bilingual sitters.
Do you provide any toys, arts or craft supplies for our child to enjoy while you are sitting for us?
Sit'n in the Keys strives to provide age appropriate toys and activities. We even take field trips to places like the Butterfly Conservatory, the splash pad at Truman Waterfront, and the Key West aquarium. After all, it's the children's vacation, too!
Do you have a facility where I can drop off my child?
At this time, we provide on-site services exclusively. We are delighted to visit your home, your hotel, corporate event, or excursion to provide exceptional child care/sitter service. Contact us today for planning assistance!